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Darko Dragić

He is only 16 years old: Darko Dragić published a novel

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On the shelves of Banja Luka bookstores, along with renowned authors, there is also a novel by Darko Dragić. There would be nothing unusual in the fact that Darko was not a second-year student at the Technical School and that he did not write his first novel almost in one breath.

'I like to read, thrillers are my favorite genre, so I tried to transfer my own imagination to paper. That's how the light of day in January 2013 saw my novel 'Protokol Banja Luka' set in this space of ours, my city. The inspiration came somehow suddenly, the story came together by itself', sixteen-year-old Darko Dragić pointed out in an interview for Anatolia.

With a shy, boyish smile, he adds that he wasn't very successful in writing in elementary school. He says he never got more than a four for written papers, and then everything somehow fell into place. And he announces that he is nearing the end of the second part as well 'Protocol Banja Luka', which he plans to end as a trilogy.

However, he does not see himself one day as a writer, but as an actor or a director, so after finishing the Technical School, he plans to enter the Film Academy.

'I had my first contact with acting at the end of elementary school when I got a role in a school play performed at the National Theater of the RS. That's when I was drawn to it, that magic. That's what made me decide to join the city theater Jazavac, where I started studying acting 'That's where I met new people, made friends, played my first show,' says Darko.

The stage, he points out, fascinates him, so he has no stage fright. He adds that 'it's a great feeling when, through the text, the role he interprets, you manage to convey a message to the audience, who accepts it and rewards it'.

But as much as he is fascinated by acting, this young man wants to try his hand at film direction. 'The first, disastrous attempts to make short films did not discourage me, because I made them completely alone. I learned from them that I should learn, and that's what I friends from Jazavac also helped, so the film 'Possible Future' was shown at the Sarajevo Film Festival and the Serbian Film Fantasy Festival in Belgrade,'says Darko. He says that despite his interests, he is not much different from his peers. ' like basketball, going out and hanging out with my peers, but I'm more interested in writing, acting, and directing. I'd like to study in Vienna and that's why I have to work a lot,'he modestly adds. And Darko has the biggest support from his mother, Tanja. The professor at the High School of Technology knows young people well and points out that it is important to direct them well.

'Children need to be supported, encouraged to develop their creativity, broaden their horizons, learn and get an education. This is much more important than expensive mobile phones, signature clothes, vain playing of video games,' adds Tanja Dragić. And judging by her Darku is really right.